8-Week Stress + Emotions Management Program  

May 9 – June 27, 2022

Mondays 7 pm est

Warrior of Life

This training is an immersion into accessing your innate source of fortitude in current times of affliction and uncertainty.  Discover sustainable emotion management tools that will make you feel less lonely and more supported in difficult moments. It’s an introduction to safe practices for releasing the paralyzing hold of difficult emotions that keeps you stuck.  You’ll learn empowering practices for processing and coexisting with difficult emotions without neglecting essential relationships and areas of your life when adversities hit … Are you up for the journey?


  • Spend a lot of time in your head, often feeling confused, detached from yourself and low in energy?
  • Have a short attention span? You struggle to stay focused on tasks or conversations.  This challenges your ability to meet deadlines, complete personal projects and create deep + authentic relationships
  • Get easily triggered, amidst trying circumstances, and react with emotionally charged  behaviors?
  • Do you hold on to painful events and emotions, spending lots of energy on resentment, judgment or rumination?
  • Face tough challenges, in some areas of your life, that have been persisting across time and space? Have your hopes, excitement for life and motivation to fight for yourself  been dying down?  Do you feel indifferent to many things that once gave you joy?
  • Disconnect from the present moment ,when confronted with painful emotions,  to shield from suffering?  Do you also isolate yourself and/or get addicted to foods, practices or substances that divert your attention to cope with the situation?



  • Learn motions processing techniques for releasing a heavy past, inviting newness and moving on with your life
  • Find out how to cultivate a relationship with yourself and nurture your inner needs for a more expansive and vibrant life with the practice mindfulness
  • Discover how to cultivate an inner sanctuary of resilience and serenity to fall back on, in trying times
  • Learn processes for navigating stress, difficult emotions and triggers, with calm and awareness, without upending your life
  • Find out how to connect to, decode and transmute difficult emotions into catalysts for growth
  • Discover how to manage and respond better to stress with empowering tools for noticing and changing your stress-promoting patterns
  • Witness the emergence of your true self, gifts and purpose as you clear out the constriction and fogginess of accumulated stress, tension and emotions
When they say people or experiences come to you at the right time, this was it for me. Prior to this workshop, I was feeling a sense of  discomfort and a lot of mental turmoil and usually it means that something was coming up for me that felt very deep. This time I had a lot of resistance and didn’t want to face it. I spent weeks distracting myself which resulted in some self neglect. I took this workshop and all I can say is WOW!  Immediately I was welcomed into a warm and safe space. It’s amazing when a facilitator and a healer is able to create an environment that makes you feel accepted, seen and EMPOWERED. Kumba did just that! Her ability to hold space for us, guide us through facing our pain and recognizing our blocks was incredible. She unlocked something in me. As my tears flowed in the workshop, her warm voice, and practices, gently allowed me to face an aspect of myself with love and honesty. Everything I needed and more! If you are ready to put your armor down and break down those walls with Kumba. Please do not hesitate, the relief is WORTH IT!

Meet Kumba Shakur, certified mindfulness-based stress reduction trainee, holistic wellness practitioner and loneliness coach.  She is the  founder of Yuga Bella Journeys.  She sets afflicted and lonely hearts on a journey to liberate themselves from the life-rob, stress and pain of adverse circumstances that disconnect them from the truth of who they are.

Her personal journey along with her holistic wellness and mindfulness trainings have catalyzed  her devotion to service.   Her purpose is to guide people in releasing disabling and constricting patterns so they can lead authentic, fulfilled and joyful lives.

Kumba earned her credentials from the UMASS Medical School Center for Mindfulness, World Light Fellowship and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.   She is a repeat  lecturer at whole Foods Market, Faena Miami Beach, Venture Cafe Miami and One Woman conference.

Thursday September 10, 7 - 8pm EST








Grab my blueprint to Turn Loneliness to Freedom

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